Simcenter MAGNET for electromagnetic design and analysis
2D/3D Electromagnetic Field Simulation Software

Simcenter MAGNET is a powerful 2D/3D simulation software which engineers and scientists worldwide use for the design of motors, sensors, transformers, actuators, solenoids or any component with permanent magnets or coils.

With the new version 2021.1 just released, check this PDF Download to see the highlights of the new version, including HPC options, plus magneto-striction modelling.
Simcenter MAGNET offers both 2D and 3D electromagnetic field simulations, all within the same user friendly interface. It uses the finite element technique for an accurate and quick solution of Maxwell's equations. Each module is tailored to simulate different types of electromagnetic fields and is available separately for both 2D & 3D designs.
  • Magnetostatic

    • Non-linear analysis
    • Specified currents may flow through any type of conducting material, including magnetic materials
  • AC (Time Harmonic)

    • Analysis based on a single frequency in the complex domain
    • Eddy currents, displacement currents, skin effects & proximity effects
  • Transient (Time-varying)

    • Non-linear analysis
    • Second-order time stepping
    • Resume Feature: pause at a particular time step for inspection
    • Core losses, proximity effects and eddy currents
  • Motion

    • Supports rotational, linear and general (multiple degrees of freedom) motion
    • Velocity & load driven motion problems
    • Computes induced currents due to motion
    • Supports multiple moving components
  • Common Solver Features

  • Effective Services
    We care about our clients' time and can help you every day. Just call us — and we will help you with all the questions.
Reasons to Choose Our Service
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    Geometric Modeller

    • Easy to use Extrusion-Based and Solid Modelling tools make even the most complicated designs quick and painless to draw.
    • 3D ACIS Modeler from Spatial, with DXF/SAT imported natively.
    • Additional filters allow CAD files to be imported efficiently, including the coils. Formats include STEP, CATIA, Pro/E, IGES
    • Coil Creator Tool - add common coil types from template or easily create custom coil types
    • Full Boolean operations and multi-sweep functions for complex geometries
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    Material Library

    • Pre-defined library of linear, nonlinear and anisotropic materials
    • Advanced loss computation based on Steinmetz equation
    • User-defined materials easily added with Material Editor & curve fitting utilities
    • Simple Drag-and-Drop applies a material to any part of the model, which is then stored with the model.
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    Circuit Modeller

    • Coils can either be created using simple inbuilt tools, or imported as CAD files.
    • External drives and loads can be added to the model and solved simultaneously (see also System Modelling).
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    Meshing & Adaption

    • Adaptive strategy determines where refinements are needed after each step by:
      • Subdividing elements (2D/3D)
      • Increasing the polynomial order (3D)
      • Both techniques combined (3D)
    • Mesh layers for skin depth analysis and highly anisotropic volume elements
    • Separate mesh for coupled thermal problems (with ThermNet)
    • Motion Re-mesh region for more efficient meshing process
    • Extensive manual meshing controls
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    Parametric Studies & What-if Analysis

    • Perform multiple experiments for "What if?" analysis
    • Any quantity can be parameterised (e.g. geometric features, materials, mesh settings) and can be varied through a user-specified range of values
    • Multi-parameter solutions, with automatic display of solution vs. Parameter values (including animations).
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    Customisation & Interoperability

    • Powerful scripting allows MagNet to work with any programming environment that implements ActiveX scripting and OLE Automation (such as Visual Basic Script, Java Script, Perl, etc.).
    • MagNet can then be coupled to any Active-X compliant application such as Microsoft Office, Matlab, MathCad, AutoCAD etc.
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    System Modelling

    • Control circuits can also be included by a co-simulation with a PSIM or Simulink model.
    • The magnetic model can be characterised by a response surface using MagNet, and exported to Simulink or SystemVision (Mentor Graphics) as a VHDL-AMS file
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    • Automate repetitive tasks
    • Link to third party software such as Excel® or MatLab®
    • Customize MagNet for your needs
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    Results - Quantities, Fields & Charts

    • Winding losses, eddy current and hysteresis losses
    • Demagnetization
    • Magnetic flux density (Β), Current density (J) & Lorentz Force Density
    • Energy & Flux linkage
    • Voltage & Current
    • Force & Torque
    • Impedance, Inductance & capacitance
    • And more
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    All of the data is available in a variety of formats and easily accessible with the Post-Processing and Project toolbars:
    • Detailed field visualizations
    • Charts
    • Field probing
    • Export to Excel
    • Export to MpCCI from Fraunhofer SCAI for multiphysics analysis