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Simcenter MAGNET Thermal
Simcenter MAGNET Thermal couples with MAGNET or MAGNET Electric for accurate temperature predictions.

MAGNET Thermal (was ThermNet) simulates the steady-state and transient temperature distribution of specified heat sources. Coupling with MAGNET and MAGNET Electric provides accurate electro-thermal analysis for devices such as electric machines (motors and generators), transformers, induction heating, surge arrestors and dielectric heating.
MAGNET Thermal accurately simulates the temperature distribution as a result of heat rise or cooling in your electromechanical device. MAGNET Thermal seamlessly couples to MAGNET's electromagnetic and MAGNET Electric's electric field simulations for further analysis: use power loss data from MAGNET and MAGNET Electric as a heat source and determine the impact of temperature changes on the overall design and performance.

  • Simulates the temperature distributions caused by specified heat sources in the presence of thermally conducting materials
  • Coupling with MAGNET for heating effects due to eddy current and hysteresis losses in the magnetic system
  • Coupling with MAGNET Electric for heating effects due to electric losses

Each solver module is tailored to different design problems and is available separately for both 2D & 3D designs.

Static or steady-state thermal simulation
  • Determines the non-linear steady-state temperature distributions caused by specified heat sources
  • Accounts for heat transfer due to conduction, convection and radiation
  • Both adiabatic and non-adiabatic thermal processes can be simulated.
  • Couples with all MAGNET electromagnetic field solvers
  • Couples with transient, current flow and time-harmonic electric field solvers in MAGNET Electric

Transient or time-varying thermal simulations
  • Determines the non-linear steady state temperature distribution caused by specified heat sources
  • Accounts for heat transfer due to conduction, convection and radiation
  • Both adiabatic and non-adiabatic thermal processes can be simulated.
  • Adaptive, fixed interval and user defined time stepping
  • Second-order time stepping
  • Resume Feature: pause at a particular time step for inspection
  • Couples with all MAGNET electromagnetic field solvers
  • Couples with transient, current flow and time-harmonic electric field solvers in MAGNET Electric
Reasons to Choose Our Service
We work hard every day to make life of our clients better and happier
  • 1
    Geometric Modeller
    Geometric Modeller
    • Easy to use Extrusion-Based and Solid Modelling tools make even the most complicated designs quick and painless to draw.
    • 3D ACIS Modeler from Spatial, with DXF/SAT imported natively.
    • Additional filters allow CAD files to be imported efficiently, including the coils. Formats include STEP, CATIA, Pro/E, IGES
    • Coil Creator Tool - add common coil types from template or easily create custom coil types
    • Full Boolean operations and multi-sweep functions for complex geometries
    • Disable components of the device for thermal simulation (relative to electromagnetic field simulation)
    • 2
      Material Library
      • Pre-defined library of materials
      • User-defined materials easily added with Material Editor & curve fitting utilities
      • Simple Drag-and-Drop applies a material to any part of the model, which is then stored with the model.
      • 3
        Meshing & Adaption
        • Adaptive strategy determines where refinements are needed after each step by:
          • Subdividing elements (2D/3D)
          • Increasing the polynomial order (3D)
          • Both techniques combined (3D)
        • Mesh layers for skin depth analysis and highly anisotropic volume elements
        • Separate mesh for coupled thermal problems (with MAGNET Thermal)
        • Extensive manual meshing control.
        • 4
          Parametric Studies & What-if Analysis

          Parametric Studies & What-if Analysis
          • Perform multiple experiments for "What if?" analysis
          • Any quantity can be parameterised (e.g. geometric features, materials, mesh settings) and can be varied through a user-specified range of values
          • Multi-parameter solutions, with automatic display of solution vs. Parameter values (including animations).
        • 5
          • Automate repetitive tasks
          • Link to third party software such as Excel® or MatLab®
          • Customize MAGNET Thermal for your need.
          • 6

            Results - Quantities, Fields & Charts
            • Magnetic Heat Sources
            • Electric Heat Sources
            • Thermal Heat Sources
            • Heat Flow
            • Temperature
            • See MAGNET for details on electromagnetic fields and quantities of coupled solves, which include:
              • Eddy current and hysteresis losses
              • Demagnetization.
            • 7
              All of the data is available in a variety of formats and easily accessible with the Post-Processing and Project toolbars:
              • Detailed field visualizations
              • Charts
              • Field probing
              • Export to Excel.

            A few of the Applications pages specifically cover the use of MAGNET Thermal, namely:

            Application Name Model Available
            MagNet ElecNet ThermNet OptiNet Other

            Calculating the steady-state ohmic and core losses in a BLDC motor with temperature effects

            Yes Yes   Yes    

            Induction heating of a workpiece past the Curie point

            Yes Yes   Yes    

            Coil size optimization - induction heating

            Yes Yes   Yes Yes  

            Thermal characteristics of a 330 KV surge arrester

            Yes   Yes Yes    

            Gas Insulated Switch

              Yes Yes Yes